Product Summary

The m57729l is a 400-420MHz, 12.5V, 30W, FM mobile radio.


m57729l absolute maximum ratings: (1)VCC supply voltage: 17 V; (2)ICC total current: 10 A; (3)Pin(max) input power: 0.4 W at ZG=ZL=50Ω; (4)Po(max) output power: 40 W at ZG=ZL=50Ω; (5)Tc(op) operating case temperature: -30 to 110℃; (6)Tstg storage temperature: -40 to 110℃.


m57729l electrical characteristics: (1)f frequency range: 450 to 470 MHz; (2)Po output power: 30 W at pin=0.3 W, VCC=12.5 V, ZG=ZL=50Ω; (3)ηT total efficiency: 40 % at pin=0.3 W, VCC=12.5 V, ZG=ZL=50Ω; (4)2fo 2nd. harmonic: -30dBc at pin=0.3 W, VCC=12.5 V, ZG=ZL=50Ω; (5)3fo 3rd. harmonic: -30dBc at pin=0.3 W, VCC=12.5 V, ZG=ZL=50Ω; (6)ρin input VSWR: 2.8; (7)load VSWR tolerance: no degradation or destory at VCC=15.2 V, Po=30W, 2sec, ZG=50Ω.


m57729l pin connection