Product Summary

The MHW820-1 is an UHF power amplifier designed for 12.5 Volt UHF power amplifier applications in industrial and commercial FM equipment operating from 806 to 950MHz.


MHW820-1 absolute maximum ratings: (1)DC supply voltage, VS1, VS2, VS3: 16Vdc; (2)FR input power (Pout≦25W), Pin: 400mW; (3)RF output power (Pin≦400mW), Pout: 25W; (4)storage temperature range, Tstg: -30 to 100℃; (5)operating case temperature range, TC: -40 to 100℃.


MHW820-1 features: (1)806-870MHz; (2)specified 12.5 Volt, UHF characteristics, ouput power=20 Watts; minimum gain=19dB; harmonics=-58dBc max; (3)50Ω input/output impedances; (4)guaranteed stability and ruggedness; (5)features three common-emitter gain stoges; (6)thin-film hybrid consruction gives consistent performance and beliability; (7)gold-metalized and silicon nitride-passivated transistor chips; (8)controllable, stable performance over more than 30dB range in output power.


MHW820-1 test system diagram